Saturday, October 11, 2008

the school tragedy...

Well, what did you expect? Rather what did I expect? With a name like "curse is cast", its bound to be a tragedy...or a rather histrionic comedy.

But then what I think as tragedy might sound more comical than Dirk Gently's prophecies about the universe...

So, beginning at the beginning...(btw, can anyone tell me why there is a beginning? I mean seriously, what's the harm of the middle? And I can assure you, if you look at our family, the middle is the most exciting , and the end's the most troublesome. The beginning tries to take responsibility of the middle and the end, as she should, seeing that she was the start of all things: , but often fails.)

And as usual I've digressed from what I intended to write!!!

By the way...what if one supplanted the word digressed with transgressed? Would it make more sense or less???

As in I've disobeyed the law of the written word..that sort of thing!!!

Shucks! I'm rambling again!

rather a pity! let me try another post then, this one's just NOT working!!!

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